Tìm kiếm thay thế:
quranic » qurani
hermeneutics » hermeneutic, hermeneutika, hermeneutik
Bằng DR. Imam Khanafi, M. Ag, Shinta Nurani (2031112002)
Được phát hành 2016
... of the Qur’anic interpretation use nuanced of hermeneutics with epistemological-methodological interpretation...
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Bằng Ula, Miftahul
Được phát hành 2016
.... In order to understand the symbols used in his poems, a hermeneutics approach is required, especially...
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Bài viết
Bằng Misbakhudin, Misbakhudin
Được phát hành 2018
...The aim of this paper is to describe Hassan Hanafi's thoughts in the discourse of the Qur'an...
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