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"theologian" » "theologians", "theologia", "theologies"
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Bằng Ahmad Hanafi
Được phát hành 1996
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Bằng Susminingsih, AMIR MAHMUD, Nurul Syharu Karima
Được phát hành 2017
... batik industry, what the common theological approachses to establish the interplay between...
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Bằng Susminingsih, Susminingsih, Kanafi, Imam
Được phát hành 2019
...The purpose of this paper is to analyze the theological foundation in the development of batik...
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Bài viết
Bằng Sholehuddin, M. Sugeng
Được phát hành 2010
... theological but historical and sociological empirical rooted ina neutral stance, critical and objective...
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Bằng Makrum, Makrum
Được phát hành 2009
... about God that made him popularly known as rational theologians and neo-Mu'tazilite. The style...
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Bài viết
Bằng M.A. Subandi
Được phát hành 2009
... of Religion, Journal of Religion and Health, dan Journal for Psychology and Theology. Namun, topik yang umum...
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