Mehmed Necib Pasha

Mehmed Necib Pasha (died 1851), also known as Muhammad Najib Pasha or Gürcü Mehmet Necip Paşa or Necib Pasha, was an Ottoman statesman and governor of Georgian origin. He was the governor of Baghdad Eyalet, succeeding Ali Ridha Pasha (who had brought Iraq back into direct Ottoman control).

His father's name was Abdülmucib. He was married to Zeliha Hanim (died 1863) and his daughter was Fatima Hanim (died 1881), his son's was Ahmed Şükrü Bey, Cemil Bey and Mahmud Nedim Pasha, was a two-time Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. Provided by Wikipedia
by MUHAMMAD, Najib Asca dkk
Published 2020
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