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The Influence of the Quality of Human Resources and Goal Commitment on the Implementation of Performance Based Budgeting with Organizational Culture as Moderating Variable. Postgraduate Economics and Business Faculty of Brawijaya University. Supervisor: Rosidi. Co-Supervisor: Bambang Purnomosidhi. T...

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Autores Principales: Sholihah, Ria Anisatus, Rosidi, Rosidi, Purnomosidhi, Bambang
Formato: Artículo
Publicado: Faculty of Economic, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim 2015
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Sumario:The Influence of the Quality of Human Resources and Goal Commitment on the Implementation of Performance Based Budgeting with Organizational Culture as Moderating Variable. Postgraduate Economics and Business Faculty of Brawijaya University. Supervisor: Rosidi. Co-Supervisor: Bambang Purnomosidhi. This research aimed to analyze the influence of the quality of human resources and goal commitment on the implementation of performance-based budgeting. In addition, this research aimed to analyzes the influence of the quality of human resources and goal commitment on the implementation of performance-based budgeting moderated by organizational culture. The results showed that the quality of human resources has a positive effect on the implementation of performance-based budgeting. How-ever, this study did not succeed in proving that goal commitment affects the performance-based budget implementation. This study also failed to demonstrate empirically that organizational culture can be a moderating variable