Tathwiiru Mawaad Ta'liim Al-Lughah Al'Arabiyah fil Ma'aahid As-Salafiyah Min Mandhuuri Mu'aayiri Muhtawa Manhaj Ta'liim Al-Lughah Al'Arabiyah lin Naathiqiina Bighairiha

Arabic learning material in Islamic Boarding School has not developed well and it still relies on Nahwu as the only benchmark of success in learning Arabic. In fact, the students’ need in learning Arabic is not only about how to read and understand kitab kuning (classic book), but also how to speak...

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Autor Principal: Fathuddin, Ahmad Ubaedi
Formato: Artículo
Publicado: Arabic Education Department (PBA), Faculty of Education and Teaching Training (FTIK) 2015
Acceso en línea:http://repository.iainpekalongan.ac.id/19/
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